Angel Roles and Archangel Information

Angels are special beings created from the love of God, each with their own place and role to play in the heavenly kingdom. I cannot say that I am an expert in Angels as I feel it would be foolish to do so. They are such high beings that are shrouded in mystery, hearsay, a variety of beliefs and opinions. What I will share with you is my faith and knowledge that I have gained through working with them.

An Angels role is to guide you, protect you from harm and to give you strength, confidence and love when you need it. All this without changing your free will or altering your path for you. At the end of the day this is our life to lead and our lessons to learn. We would only end up going round in a circle if someone else ran our life for us! Angels are the closest to earth and were asked to watch over mankind and the world. They can present as both male and female, in any shape or size depending on our own experiences and knowledge. They don't want to frighten us so will use what we feel comfortable with should they wish to appear. 

There is a Hierarchy of Angels which further determines the roles they play in our world and the spiritual realm. Each level takes them closer to God, The One or The All, and moves them away from our practical issues towards spiritual ones. Basically from helping us find time and a parking space to spiritual awareness outside of conventional thinking! The following shows this Hierarchy of Angels...

There are Nine Choirs of Angels divided into three groups of ranks and spheres.

1st Rank: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.

These Angels are entirely turned towards God.

2nd Rank: Dominions, Powers and Authorities.

These Angels know God through there concern for the cosmos.

3rd Rank: Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

These Angels oversee nations, are involved with human beings and know God through his creation.

Archangel and Female Archeia

I believe that there is a counterpart, another half of Archangels that is little known about. They are called Archeia or Archei and are a separate entity but partner with an Archangel. The Archei are seen as the feminine counter part, a battery supply and channel for the Archangel. It is a belief that the 2nd Rank (Aeons) created the Archangels as they were seen as a flaw within themselves and this energy was cast aside, creating Archangels. The creator saw both the good and bad in this, the perfection as part of him but awareness of individuality that could go either way. This is where we see fallen angels. So it was decided that to keep the balance and the Archangels (Archon & Archei) would be paired up for their abilities and sent with their own Angel teams to work within our realm.

A lot of information is deeply rooted in Gnostics (1st Centuary AD) where there is a belief that humans are divine souls trapped in the physical/material world. Archangels were/are sent to help us learn personal spiritual knowledge over traditional teachings, so that we can experience the divine within whilst leading a human life. This movement has grown and surged in the last 40 years or so. The Archangels are trying to awaken us and send light through us so that we can experience true love within.

This is a list of the most called upon Archangels & Archeia, although I believe there to be hundreds!

  • Michael & Lady Faith also known as Mikeala; Truth & Justice
  • Jophiel & Lady Clarity also known as Christine or Christophina; Wisdom & Enlightenment
  • Chamuel & Lady Charity also known as Seraphina; Romance & Unconditional Love
  • Gabriel & Lady Hope also known as Annuciata; Manifestation & Abundance
  • Raphael & Mother Mary also known as Maria; Nurture & 
  • Uriel & Lady Grace also known as Aurora; Illumination & Beauty
  • Zadkiel & Lady Purity also known as Amethystia, Release & Clarity
  • Azrael & Lady Mercy also known as Magdalena; Strength & Forgiveness
  • Metatron & Lady Constance also known as Sophia; Honesty & Inner Wisdom 
  • Haniel & Lady Radiant also known as Maryllisa, Joy & Positivity
  • Sandalphon & Lady Patience also known as Shekinah; Safety & Support

My personal Top Three Archangels who help me the most are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. These Archangels help me nearly everyday in some way and they are said to be the most called upon worldwide. The next in line are Chamuel, Metatron, Jophiel, Zadkiel and Uriel. These five are extremely important and can be overlooked sometimes. Below is a little summary of the Top Three Archangels however more information can be found by clicking their names...

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is the protector of mankind, often depicted with his sword and shield ready to fight any battle at any time. Michael can be called upon for strength when you feel you are fighting a personal battle or when you are lacking in energy and need to stop others from pinching what little you have left!

He used to be portrayed with weighing scales too and this was to represent his balance for justice! A magical and super strong energy, and associated with blues and deep purples.

Imagine his shield in front of you to protect your energy or keep negative energy at bay. You can also ask him to use his sword to cut away ties to the past, negative attachments or anything that you need to let go of. There are several ways to do this such as visualising a net sweeping over you home to clear away negative energy, seeing your old ties in your minds eye and cutting them, placing the shield over you car or a person for protection. 

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is to me a fabulous communicator and guide when planning, organising or creating. Gabriel can make things feel simpler and easier to understand whilst also pushing you along to seek new and exciting opportunities! Gabriel's energy can be soft and subtle, almost a whisper in the wind! Simply listen and you will hear words of wisdom. Call upon this Archangel when you need assistance with work/career, relationship clarity/misunderstandings or technology issues. If you are a creative person such as artist or writer then Gabriel can also help you too as this is a specialist area of work for this creative Archangel. Use Orange or gold to connect as a vibrant energiser!

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the most famous healing Angel and without a doubt will be there for you be it a physical ailment, emotional healing, stress, or a spiritual meeting of minds that you need. Raphael often works with Michael and Gabriel to create the harmony required for perfect healing to take place. Raphael's energy can sometimes feel like a push or a sudden energy rush! He won't hold back if you need moving forward onto a new path, yet he can be quite calming if you need to find stillness within. Call upon Raphael for yourself or to assist others with healing in all areas of their life including addiction, end of life care, grief, abuse and so much. He will be there for you no matter what!

Call on Raphael for all healing needs and use green as a way of connecting, meditating or visualising him around you. Either wear it, use the colour in your home or work, see it as a blanket around a person.

Quick Angel Facts...

Archangel means Chief Angel. The word Angel comes from the Greek word, angelos, which means 'messenger'. Archaeon means 'supreme being' and 'from the beginning'. It is used to refer to the 3rd Rank and their own divine connection to God/Creator.

Angeology is the theological study of Angels.

'el' means of God, which most Angels have in their name except Sandalphon and Metatron...this is because it is believe they were once human and became Angels once in Heaven.

The 'Heavenly Host' is a phrase which describes all of the Angels as a collective and an army against evil. Led by Archangel Michael they defeated Satan in The Book of Revelation, during The War In Heaven.(Rev.12:7-9)

Angels can help us but cannot intervene when the purpose of an experience is to learn a life lesson – to do so would be doing us a great disservice. They must wait and be directed by Archangels as to when to step in.

Angels help everyday

According to the Bible, Archangel Gabriel has 140 pairs of wings!

The word 'Angel' has expanded in modern age to include other spiritual beings such as loved ones or animals in heaven.

Angels can be both Male & Female, or change to what we need. Archangels can do this too hence why Gabriel can be seen as both. Michael is mainly known for masculinity but has been known to shown a softer, protective nature. Jophiel is portrayed as feminine a lot due to her association with beauty however she too can be referred to as a male Archangel when her protection of beautiful things is threatened such as the fires in beautiful Australia.

To connect with Angels you simply have to ask! 

Your faith in them will bring them closer and you may find their calling card of a little feather. Other signs are songs, dreams, ladybirds, butterflies, magpies, thoughts, words that you read...simply something that catches your eye and answers what you have asked. They work in mysterious and wonderful ways!

Most importantly work out what you would like help with, choose the Archangel or Angel that has the closest skill set and send a prayer.

Then always say thank you...remember you are connecting and asking guidance from very celestial beings. They will appreciate a thank you and acknowledgement. It's important to remember this is a partnership and within this there should be respect, honesty and willingness. You must be prepared to do your share of the work and be thankful when you receive the help you desire.

Archangels have Crystals associated with them and I have included a list below to help. If you are wanting to call upon or work with the Angels in general then Angelite is the stone for you.

Use these crystals by carrying them on you, placing them under your pillow or near your work space. Anywhere where you are asking for help or by meditating with them by holding your gem stone and setting the intention of calling an Archangel to help you. 

Crystals can be used in a variety of ways but where Angels are concerned you need the focus/thought of that particular Archangel to assist too. So mentally visual them, use colour imagery or by repeating their name. Then carry your gem stone with you whilst the Angel gets to work!

Other Crystals to connect with Angelic energy are Herkimer Diamonds, Iolite, Selenite and Blue Celestite.

These all work beautifully at lifting your vibration and creating a stronger connection to your Guardian. Iolite can help to find your path or purpose whereas Selenite will clear any block and fears. I wear a Herkimer Diamond pendant daily as it is gentle enough to carry with me but high enough to amplify whilst I'm working.

Colours play an important role too when connecting and working with Angels and Archangels. Each colour just like sound has a vibration. It is this vibration and frequency that you are really tapping into when you use the colour associated to work with them. It is a way to assist your changing vibration and to allow them to resonate within you and around you. Try wearing a particular colour, eating foods within this colour area if you can, surrounding your home or bed too if possible. All drawing in the vibration you desire to channel and connect with.

Sometimes this process can happen in reverse! When you meditate or dream and feel an angelic energy...consider the colour/s you are seeing or sensing. Then work out the Archangel associated and why they may be stepping in to work with you. They can be a little subtle and in the background sometimes which means we can miss the signs they give us!

Common Archangel Colours and Meanings are:

  • White/Black - Metatron - Organisation, planning, structure, breaking patterns, creating new paths and silence of the mind.
  • Gold/Orange/White - Gabriel - Communication, dreams, finding words and time to get clarity and focus.
  • Blue - Michael - Protection, strength and courage, accepting the past and believing in the future, working your way through battles.
  • Green - Raphael - healing on all levels, understanding your soul purpose, connecting with the divine and becoming a healer.
  • Pink - Chamuel - love, emotional balance, inner peace, calm, self love, wishes, affirmations and desires for yourself and others.
  • Purple/Violet - Zadkiel - forgiveness, compassion, higher wisdom, psychic development and intuition, acting upon your souls advice.
  • Yellow - Jophiel - energy, drive, passion, uplifting positive vibrations, abundance and co-operation, ideas and opportunities.
  • Red - Nathaniel - fire, drive, attitude, realisation and clarity, law of attraction, manifestation and transformation of your life.

There can be a mix of colours or a feeling which guides you to know which Archangel you are working with. The best person to know is yourself and your intuition. You may be feeling blue for protection but know that Metatron is actually assisting! 

I often meditate and seek connection with the Spirit World to gain knowledge and insight into that which we cannot see. I have written below one of my experiences when connecting with 'my team'. When read back, there are some inspiring thoughts and wonderful messages. 

"Allow us to work with you for higher purposes and we will bring you peace and much happiness. Many believe in us and our forms are always unique. Children believe in us too but they cannot appreciate the magnitude of our energy. We show you the way forward to heal and be loved, we cannot turn away from you. 

This is our mission, Gods will for life on earth. People looking for Spiritual help and lost loved ones often call on Spirit Guides and Mediums to facilitate, they often do not acknowledge our strength to help these occurrences happen. We perform 'miracles' and watch guard over the world in secret and unknowing to many."

Love, Light  & Blessings Jayne xx

About Angel Wings Art
We want to give you great customer service with a friendly, personal touch where you can find all your Angel needs! Our passion is the Angelic Realm and all the wondrous things that the Angels can help us with. We hope our one stop shop will give you a fantastic shopping experience and you can discover all you need to at the same time about Archangels, Connecting to Angels and Working with Your Guardian Angel. If we can help in any way please do get in touch as we are happy to create bespoke Angel Gifts for loved ones, special occasions or to help your personal connection.

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